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Free Intro to HIIT



Research has shown the extraordinary impact that ultra-short bursts of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) can have, whatever your age or level of fitness.  Some of the well documented benefits of HIIT workouts are:

  • burns more calories while you're working out.

  • increases your metabolism, as it keeps you burning calories, even after you stop working out.

  • burns more fat in less time 

  • strengthens the heart

  • keeps your blood sugar in check 

  • can lower your blood pressure 

  • increases oxygen consumption 


Getting all these benefits in under 10 minuets is a true “hit” for those of us who don’t enjoy exercise but want to lose fat and stay healthy. It is also great for those who love exercise and want to get the most from it.  And it is for everyone who wants to get fit but don’t have much time.

Because the workout is precisely timed to the prearranged music, class MUST start right on time.  Please get to the studio 5 - 10 minutes before the class start time. 

We can not wait for latecomers!!


 *As this class involved high impact exercise, ​please bring a new pair

(or super clean) sneakers that you will NOT wear outside!!


                    * If you have hand held weights, we encourage you to bring them. 



Sunday, June 2, 2019

3:00 - 3:30 pm

Class size is limited to SIX people maximum, and Pre-Registration is Required - No Drop-Ins!


Links to Articles on HIIT:






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