2020 Meditation Challenge

Start this next decade with clearer inner vision by making MEDITATION a part of your daily life.
Join us for our 2020 Meditation Challenge. Go out of your comfort zone
(yes, the warm cozy comfort of your bed so very early in the morning)
and enter a new mystical and sublime realm.
For 1 week, we invite and challenge you to set your alarm for 4:30 am. No need to shower or even change out of your PJ’s if you don’t want to. Just get out of bed, splash some water on your face, put on a warm jacket & shoes, and head over to Willow Tree Yoga studio, in the quiet stillness of the pre-dawn morning (Brahma Muhurta-the Divine Hour) for a 5:00 am start.
Each morning will begin with Meditation, followed by a short morning stretch, finishing with a hot cup of Chai
to get you warmed up and ready with a sublime and sweet start to your day.
We will follow this practice five days in a row.
You will pay $150 up front. IF you successfully make it to the studio all 5 days, you will get HALF BACK, paying only $75 for 5 mornings of meditation, stretch, chai, and, best of all, a great start on a new practice of daily meditation that can hopefully last your lifetime. Also, anyone signing up for this Meditation Challenge can attend the Restorative Yoga Nidra class on the Sunday prior to the challenge for only $10!
Monday, January 27 - Friday, January 31, 2020
5:00 – 6:00 am
Pre-Registration Required
$75 if you show up for all 5 days (you get 50% back on Friday)
$150 if you miss 1 or more days. (That's the motivation to get you up on the 3rd morning when you'd rather just sleep in!)
What is Meditation?
Meditation is a practice that can reduce stress, increase calmness, clarity and promote inner balance. This practice is available to all. Meditation is an approach to training the mind, in the way that fitness is an approach to training the body.
Many styles and methods of meditation exist, and not all approaches work for everyone, so in our classes, we practice several different techniques each class, so that you can find which ones work best for you as you develop your own tool box of methods to use as you build a life-long practice.
Willow Tree Yoga in the News
Meditation: 'You're never too busy.'
Bardonia's Beatrice Mattaway
offers a 10-day meditation challenge